Today, I approach my Friday in a new way. All week I have been searching for the perfect ... something to make. I searched through everything from Cupcakes (which always make me happy) to happy crocheted amigrumi to maybe a mixed tape to listen to. Something that I can put together that would make my Friday just a little less worse and maybe tackle my Friday with a certain f-u-n Friday attitude that one could only get by making.... this one unestablished thing. Then, as clear as day... I found it. It had everything I was looking for. There was baking involved so that was a good start, AND my boyfriend would also enjoy it. (He's not the baked goods habitué that I am) Sugar, goodness, the ability to make my boyfriend smile, AND chocolate chips.. I'm in. After I worked out a little too late this morning giving myself only 1/2 hour before I had to get dressed, I rushed through the grocery store, ran home and started mixing. Once I put my Happy-Friday treats in the oven to bake, I ran and got dressed. I have no idea how I managed to get dressed in 10 min. and 55 sec. just in time to return to the kitchen to see the 11 minute timer run out. My Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies are born. My goodness did my kitchen smell so good.
Aren't they pretty? I took them to work without even trying them. I had to at least eat a good lunch before I dive face first into the yummy Tupperware full of goodness.
I gave the first ones to Karla-quake and JG and they are a success!! Yes, of course I've had one by now. Uh, I mean two. Friday, my known nemesis.. you can EAT IT. I'll be waking up tomorrow before a know it to enjoy an awesome Saturday.
Thank you to Baking Bites for the recipe.